Frequently asked questions

Who is doing this research?

I am a community organiser and PhD candidate in the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS), University College London. I have expertise in STS ­– which is a discipline that underlines how science and technology are intrinsically linked to society and governance, and critical race theory, which is a framework that draws attention to the ways racism and Whiteness functions in our society. Prior to beginning my PhD, I worked in the NGO sector supporting displaced people on the ground in the Middle East and North Africa.


No. It is up to you if you take part. If you do decide to take part you will be asked if you can be audio-recorded, and to sign a consent form to show that you agree to take part in the research project. This happens by signing a form in person. You will have the opportunity to review, and comment on the audio file of our conversation. If you do agree to take part and then change your mind later, you will be free to withdraw your data from the research until two weeks (14 days) after a data recording has been sent to you for review. All you need to do is tell the researcher.

Will I be named in the research?

No! Our conversation will be fully anonymised, and your involvement in the project completely confidential. If you choose to participate in the research conversations, you will be asked to pick a name you are happy with, and you will be referred to by that name in the research write up. Any identifiable information about you (including signed consent forms, notes, recordings and other documents containing personal information) will be preserved in a secure place to which only the lead researcher will have access. If you are quoted please note this will be attributed only to the name you have given, not to your real name.

What will I have to do?

You will have an in depth conversation with the lead researcher about your current experiences in STEM, your journey to the place you are at now, and your childhood and teenage years. These conversations will last between 30-90 minutes. The amount of conversations will be between 1 and 3, so please consider being interviewed up to 3 times.


No, I will travel to a location of your choosing, anywhere in the UK 🚂

Will I be paid?

No, but I will bring biscuits to our conversations 😊

What are the benefits of taking part?

From an extensive literature review there is a substantial gap in voices from Black women about their experiences in, and journey through, science, technology, engineering and mathematics in UK universities. Our collaborative research, led by you, will be a chance to share stories and strategies, so as to address intersecting racism and gender discrimination in STEM, and the academe more generally.

The results of our conversations will be the lynchpin to my doctoral thesis. Once completed, the research will then be disseminated into journal articles, workshops, and presentations for academic and general audiences. 

What if there is a problem?

If you have concerns surrounding the way this research has been conducted, you can speak to the lead researcher, who will do her best to help you, or you can contact the supervisors of the project, Dr Emily Dawson:, or Dr Chiara Ambrosio:

Does this project have ethics approval?

This research project has received ethical approval in accordance with the UCL Department of Science and Technology Ethical Research policies and procedures (, application reference number: STSEth114.

If I want to take part, what should I do next?

For a more in-depth overview of the project then click here

For a more information on the research methodology then click here. 

Download the project poster here

If you want to take part, then contact katherine on, or fill in the contact form below. 
